Meeting Room Policy

Last Updated Date
Policy Audience


As a public institution dedicated to free expression and free access to ideas presenting all points of view concerning the problems and issues of our times, the meetings rooms in the Broome County Public Library (BCPL) are available on equal terms for the lawful activities of all community groups, regardless of their beliefs or affiliations. All meetings must comply with the Broome County Public Library Code of Conduct. Violations of this policy or the Code of Conduct may lead to immediate termination of the meeting and/or loss of future meeting room privileges. Appeals may be made within 5 days to the Library Director who may, at their discretion, bring the matter to the Board of Trustees if a resolution cannot be reached. The use of the meeting room is based on availability.

Available Meeting Rooms/Spaces 
(Details of each room and its amenities are available online)

  • Decker Community Room (80 person limit)
  • Exhibit Room (49 person limit)
  • Creation Station (10 person limit)
  • Ahearn Business Resource Center (16 person limit)
  • Reading Garden


Library community meeting rooms may be available for programs conducted or sponsored by BCPL and are also available for use by others for educational, cultural, recreational or civic purposes. They shall not be used for commercial purposes, personal use, or any event that interferes with the use of BCPL by other patrons.

  • Programs of the Broome County Public Library, Friends of the Broome County Public Library, and all library-sponsored programming receive first priority of meeting rooms and all BCPL space.

*Exceptions made for the Broome County Board of Elections. 

  • Meeting rooms/spaces are available to organizations on a first come, first served basis based on receipt of request through the BCPL website ( or via telephone (607-778-3829).
  • The organization booking the room is responsible for supplying an interpreter if one is requested.  
  • Sponsor organizations are responsible for enforcing existing safety regulations, Meeting Room Policies and the BCPL Patron Code of Conduct. 

Meeting Room/Space Policies

  1. Exits and entrances must be kept free of obstruction.
  2. Meetings should not disrupt ordinary library activities.
  3. At the start of each meeting, the sponsor organization should identify emergency exits for attendees.
  4. Illegal activities—including the use of alcohol or illegal and/or recreational drugs or the possession of weapons of any kind—are prohibited on Library property.
  5. Smoking, vaping, and the use of smokeless tobacco are prohibited on Library property, both inside and outside of the building.
  6. Organizations MAY NOT charge an entry fee to attendees.
  7. No group or individual may solicit for donations within the library except the Broome County Public Library, Friends of Broome County Public Library, Broome County Historical Society, or partner organizations of the Broome County Public Library.
  8. The meeting rooms are not completely soundproof. Please do not speak or use electronic devices at a volume that disturbs other patrons.
  9. Drinks in closed containers such as covered cups, cans or water bottles are allowed unless noted. Light refreshments (i.e. cake, pizza, fruit or veggie tray) may be served in all rooms with the exception of the Creation Station.
  10. Organizations are responsible for setup, clean up and leaving the room in standard configuration when they are done with the space.  Any group not leaving the room in a reasonably clean and orderly condition will be notified that a second offense will result in the loss of future meeting room privileges.
  11. Use of the meeting rooms does not reflect the library’s endorsement of any particular program, position, or purpose of any person or organization. To that end, Meeting room users may not create public announcements, fliers or other materials implying that the library has endorsed any meeting room use, unless all parties have made a formal collaboration agreement in writing in advance.
  12. Promotional materials should clearly indicate the name and contact information of the sponsor organizations and any organizations affiliated with the program.
  13. Please do not put up any signage in the meeting room windows or on doors except for directional purposes.
  14. Library meeting rooms may NOT be used for commercial purposes, solicitation of business, or non-BCPL fundraising. Examples of "commercial" activity include, but are not limited to: advertising or selling products, memberships, or services.
  15. Any third parties presenting on behalf of the sponsor organization must be aware of the Broome County Public Library Meeting Room Policy, Code of Conduct, and safety regulations.


  • All meetings must be scheduled during normal operating hours and end by 7:30 p.m. Mon.-Thurs. or 4:30 Fri.- Sat. Exceptions are made for Library related meetings and the Broome County Board of Elections.
  • There is no fee for reserving and using BCPL Meeting Rooms. The room must be reserved for a minimum of one (1) hour and a maximum of four (4) hours/days. Reservations for periods longer than four (4) hours must get approval from the Broome County Public Library. Setup, cleanup, and restoring the room to standard configuration are the responsibility of the individual/group reserving the space. Time to accomplish these tasks must be included in the hours requested.
  • Reservations will be held for up to 30 minutes on the day of the meeting. (Holding the reservation beyond that is left to the library’s discretion.)
  • Meetings must be completed and the room must be vacated 15 minutes before library closing time.
  • Organizations and individuals can make up to four (4) advance reservations per calendar month with no reservation made more than three (3) months in advance. More frequent reservations can be made at the discretion of the library.
  • If an organization must cancel its meeting, the Library must be notified of the change at least 24 hours in advance. Two missed meetings, without prior notice, may result in loss of future meeting room privileges.

Application Process:

Reservations for meeting rooms may be made via the BCPL website ( or by telephone (607-778-3842). If made by telephone, a representative of the sponsor organization, who has read and agrees with the policy, must submit the signed Meeting Room Reservation Form within 5 business days of confirmation of date to keep the reservation.


The representatives of the Group, who are authorized to make such an agreement, must sign a room usage agreement that memorializes all of the requirements contained herein and approved as to form by the Library Board of Trustees’ legal counsel. The Group agrees to indemnify and hold the Broome County Public Library, Library Board of Trustees, and the County of Broome and any officer, employee and/or agent thereof free and harmless from any and all loss(es), penalty(ies), damage(s), settlement(s), cost(s), charge(s), professional fee(s) or other expense(s) or liability(ies) of every kind arising from or relating to any and all claim(s), lien(s), demand(s), obligation(s), action(s), proceedings or causes of action of any kind in connection with, or arising directly or indirectly from the usage of the room including negligent error(s) and/or omission(s) and/or act(s) by the Group, including Group’s employees and licensees or invitees.