The Library Board had adopted the following Broome County policy regarding closing of operations due to emergency situations: The closing of County operations may at times be required by unforeseen circumstances. Those circumstances may include hazardous weather conditions, breakdown of building utilities such as to create a health hazard, and other emergency conditions. Following is the County's policy with respect to employee attendance as it relates to such closings:
Additionally, the Library Board recognizes that staff may need additional time to reach the Library when weather conditions are challenging and while a final decision about closing is still being made. Therefore, the Library will automatically delay opening by 2 hours whenever the Binghamton City School District is closed or delayed for weather related reasons (other than those purely based on temperature) and a decision to close the Library hasn’t already been made. On Saturdays, the designated Building Supervisor has the authority to delay opening by 2 hours when the Library Director and Assistant Library Director can’t be reached. All Building Supervisors will be provided with a list of who to notify in these circumstances, including the Library Board. |