Shortened Hours

We are currently short staffed, but will be fully staffed soon. Until we have critical positions filled, we will close Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 5:00. All programs that were scheduled on those nights have been canceled. We are open until 8:00pm on Mondays and Thursdays. We should be back to normal hours by October. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause.

Broome County Civil Service Information

Broome County Civil Service Information

The Broome County Department of Personnel is responsible for administering civil service for the County of Broome and all of the towns and villages in the County and their associated school districts. The City of Binghamton has its own Civil Service Commission, governing the City and its school district.

Broome County Office Building Third Floor
60 Hawley Street
PO Box 1766
Binghamton, NY 13902
United States

(607) 778-2185
Community Resource Type